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What does the Digital Resilience Advisor do?
The Digital Resilience Advisor is a sex worker who is solicited and unsolicited advice gives to sex workers and sex work organizations around all digital issues.
The Internet has great advantages but also great disadvantages for sex workers. It is good to have your digital resilience increase. Especially if you are an independent sex worker.
What can it mean for a sex worker?
The Advisor covers many topics on this website . There is per topic an explanation What it can mean to a sex worker, and what you can do. If you don't manage to do it, then the Advisor can offer individual help. And sometimes workshops will be organized.
The Advisor also reaches out to the organizations that exist in the Netherlands around sex workers and hopes that they can also make good use of the information and want to spread it. For them, too, the Advisor is ready with advice.
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